ASD-EAST Zagreb Online Conference 2020

8th-28th June 2020


Dobro došli na ASD – EAST online konferenciju

Welcome to the ASD-EAST virtual conference


Organizator ove konferencije su Edukacijsko – rehabilitacijski fakultet i Centar za autizam Zagreb u suradnji s našim međunarodnim partnerima.

The organizers of this conference are the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation and the Center for Autism Zagreb in cooperation with our international partners.

Konferencija promovira rezultate međunarodne suradnje u okviru ERASMUS + projekta. Cilj projekta je osnažiti stručnjake koji rade s učenicima s poremećajem iz spektra autizma u Hrvatskoj, Poljskoj i Sjevernoj Makedoniji kroz edukaciju o učinkovitim metodama i strategijama podučavanja ovih učenika.

The conference promotes the products of an international collaboration in this co-funded Erasmus+ project. The focus of ASD-EAST is to empower specialist teachers in Croatia, Poland and the Republic of North Macedonia to support the effective inclusion of children with autism in education, by providing professionals with appropriate skills, knowledge, effective strategies and locally-appropriate training.


Govor dobrodošlice Žarka Klopotan / Welcome speech by Žarka Klopotan (Centar za autizam)


Govor dobrodošlice Jasmina Stošić / Welcome speech by Jasmina Stošić (University of Zagreb)






Opis projekta

Introduction to the project

Dr David Preece, University of Northampton

ASD – EAST projekt temeljen je na inicijativi sveučilišta i lokalnih organizacija i ustanova kako bi se poboljšala edukacija stručnjaka i podigle njihove kompetencije i samopouzdanje u radu s učenicima s PSA i njihovim obiteljima.

The ASD-EAST project was created based on the innitiative of local universities and organisations to improve autism training and enhance teachers’ competence and confidence in working with children with ASD.





ASD-EAST Identificiranje potreba stručnjaka za edukacijom

ASD-EAST Identifying teachers’ training needs

Dr David Preece, University of Northampton

Kako bismo identificirali potrebe stručnjaka za edukacijom, provedena je analiza stavova, znanja i vještina stručnjaka koji rade u redovnim i posebnim školama u Hrvatskoj, Sjevernoj Makedoniji i Poljskoj.

To identify training needs of teachers we conducted a mapping of attitudes, knowledge and skills of specialist teachers working in primary mainstream and special schools in Croatia, the Republic of North Macedonia and Poland.





ASD EAST curriculum i materijali za edukacije

ASD EAST curriculum and training materials

Dr Ivana Lessner Listiakova, University of Northampton

Razvili smo šest modula edukacije kako bismo zadovoljili potrebe za dodatnim educiranjem stručnjaka i osnažili ih u njihovim ulogama. Moduli su usmjereni na strategije za poticanje komunikacije, emocionalne regulacije, socijalnih vještinam, zadovoljenje senzornih potrebam, prilagodbe u poučavanju te strategije za nepoželjna ponašanja.

We developed six training modules to meet the training needs of specialist teachers and to empower them in their roles. Modules focus on communication, emotional regulation, social skills, sensory needs, modifications and adjustments of teaching, and managing challenging behaviour.





Rezultati evaluacije

Evaluations findings

Dr Ivana Lessner Listiakova, University of Northampton

Edukacije za stručnjake redovnih i posebnih škola odvijale su se u sve tri države. Zahvaljujući povratnim informacijama stručnjaka dodatno smo prilagodili materijale.

Trainings for mainstream and special school teachers happened in all three countries. Thanks to feedback from teachers we evaluated the benefits of the training and made adjustments to the materials.





Preporuke za donositelje odluka i kreiranje politika

Policy recommendations

Iskustvo tijekom edukacija i povezanog istraživanja dovelo je do stvaranja preporuka koje dovode do poboljšanja kvalitete života učenika s PSA diljem Europe.

Experience from the trainings and connected research lead to formulating policy recommdations that will lead to improving the lives of students with ASD accross Europe.









Informacije o lokalnim partnerima

Information about local partners

Suradnja Edukacijsko – rehabilitacijskog fakulteta i Centra za autizam Zagreb

Project partners in Croatia introduce their organisations. ERF – University of Zagreb, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences


Iskustva polaznika

Teacher testimonials

Moderator: Natalija Lisak Šegota, ERF

Ovo su dojmovi nekih od naših polaznika o edukaciji.

Interview with local teachers about their experience of the training and the impact on their classroom, changes in their teaching.



Emocionalna regulacija – Modul 2

Emotional regulation – Module 2

Ivana Sladić Kljajić, Centar za autizam

Ovo je prikaz dijela modula Emocionalna regulacija prilagođenog za polaznike iz Hrvatske.

This presentation introduces the Croatian local adaptation of Module 2 Emotional regulation of the ASD-EAST training programme. Children and adults with autism often have difficulty identifying and communicating changes in their emotional states as well as identifying the emotions of others. They also lack regulation skills, especially in emotionally demanding situations. These skills need to be explicitly taught without making any assumptions of their actual emotional awareness and understanding. This module explains the importance of implementing a curriculum that develops emotional awareness and successful implementation of strategies to help regulate changing emotional states.



Kako postaviti radnu stanicu

How to set up a workstation

Ron Fortuna, Target Autism

Radne stanice su učinkovit, brz način da uspostavite strukturu i rutinu za učenika s autizmom u vašoj učionici. U ovom će videozapisu Ron pokazati kako postaviti jednostavnu radnu stanicu. Postoje primjeri i ideje radnih zadataka i objašnjenje kako implementirati radni sustav. Gledatelji bi trebali imati više samopouzdanja u postavljanju strukturiranog radnog prostora za učenike kao rezultat gledanja ovog videa. Video je pogodan za djelatnike koji radi s djecom u posebnim i redovnim školama.

Workstations are an effective, quick way to establish structure and routine for a student with autism in your classroom. In this video, Ron will demonstrate how to set up a simple work station. There are examples and ideas of work tasks and an explanation of how to implement a work system. Viewers should feel greater confidence in setting up a structured work area for their students as a result of watching this session. The video is suitable for staff working with children in both special and mainstream school settings.



Ideje za podršku u učionici

Autism support ideas for the mainstream classroom

Ron Fortuna, Target Autism

U ovom videu Ron dijeli dio svog stručnog iskustva prikupljenog na temelju dugogodišnjeg rada u poučavanju učenika s autizmom i rada na mjestu savjetnika u školama. Poučavanje djece s autizmom u okruženju redovne škole može biti i izuzetno korisno i vrlo izazovno. Velika je poteškoća što se mnogi stručnjaci suočavaju s time da ne razumiju s čime se njihovi učenici s PSA teško nose te često ne znaju na koji način im pružiti podršku. Ron će pokazati mnogo praktičnih ideja koje je koristio u učionici te ih predlagao stručnjacima u različitim obrazovnim okruženjima. Odgovoriti će na širok spektar pitanja, uključujući vrlo kratki opis nekih prilagodbi koje mogu biti korisne za određene senzorne potrebe s kojima se mogu suočavati učenici s autizmom. Uz niz spomenutih ideja, gledatelji će, nadamo se, steći samopouzdanje u primjeni pristupa koje mogu koristiti u radu sa svojim učenicima.

In this video, Ron shares some of his expertise gathered from years of experience in teaching students with autism and working as an advisor to schools. Teaching children with autism in a mainstream school setting can be both extremely rewarding and very challenging. A big difficulty is that many professionals struggle to see what their students with ASD struggle with and find it hard to know how to best support their needs. Ron will show many practical ideas that he has used in the classroom and suggested to teachers in a variety of educational settings. A wide range of issues will be explored, including a very brief mention of some adjustments that can be useful for particular sensory needs that pupils with autism may present with. With a range of ideas explored, viewers will hopefully gain confidence with approaches that they can implement with their students.



ASD-EAST Module 1: Razmjena slika

ASD-EAST Module 1: Picture Exchange

Ron Fortuna, Target Autism

Praktična vježba iz Modula 1 Komunikacija. Objašnjenje prve 4 faze razmjene slika.

This is an example of a practical exercise from Module 1: Communication. Explaining the first four stages of communication using picture exchanges.








Održat će se okrugli stol i pojedinačni intervjui s predstavnicima donositelja odluka i kreiranja politika i drugih dionika tijekom trajanja konferencije. Svrha rasprave je analizirati trenutno stanje obrazovanja za djecu s PSA u Hrvatskoj te dogovoriti načine na koje se može osigurati edukacija svih dionika inkluzije.

Round-table discussions with national educational decision-makers, policy-makers, and other key stakeholders are happening online throughout the conference duration. The purpose of discussions is to identify ways that teacher education in autism can be embedded and promoted within the country.











  • Materijali s ESIPP projekta / Positive parenting of children with autism


  • Knjige za poticanje i razvoj socijalnog razmišljanja (iz modula 3 za redovne škole) / Thinking Books that supply Social Thinking resources amongst others (You are a Social Detective and Social Behaviour Mapping from module 3 for mainstream schools)






Forum za raspravu biti će otvoren tijekom cijelog trajanja konferencije (8.-28. lipnja). Pošaljite svoje komentare i pitanja. Pomoći će nam ako navedete svoje zanimanje i svoje radno mjesto. Moderatori konferencije odgovarati će na komentare jednom tjedno. Nakon konferencije mogućnost dodavanja komentara bit će zatvorena, ali objavljeni prethodni odgovori ostat će dostupni.

Conference discussion (in Croatian lanugage) is open during the whole duration of the conference (8-28 June). Please post your comments and questions. It will help us if you identify your role and the type of setting where you work, e.g. teacher in a special school. Conference moderators will reply to the comments once a week.

After the conference, the option to add comments will be closed but the information posted will remain available.







Molimo Vas da ispunite obrazac za evaluaciju. Vaša povratna informacija nam je važna i poboljšati će kvalitetu naše edukacije. Nakon što ispunite obrazac, možete preuzeti certifikat.

Please fill in the evaluation form. Your feedback matters to us and improves the quality of teacher trainings (3-5 min). You will be able to download certificate of attendance after you have completed the evaluation form.



Možete slijediti program i kliknuti na svaku prezentaciju pojedinačno ili možete pogledati ove dvije playliste na you tubeu:

You can follow the agenda and click on each presentation individually or you can watch these two playlists on youtube: